UK Property News Recap
Like all good series, a recap is never a bad thing. Welcome to my new weekly UK PROPERTY NEWS RECAP. This will be released every Friday but to kick start this Monday, l thought I'd run through everything property related that was circulating in the news last week to clear
Make hay while the sun shines and remortgage
In the absence of the X factor this year, UK banks have decided to compete for your mortgage vote before inflation lines close. Who will win the 40% deposit cheapest rate? You decide. If you are in the fortunate position of having 40% + equity in your home, now couldn’t be
UK Mortgage Rates: Catch em while you can before inflation catches up
Now couldn’t be a better time to get a mortgage or remortgage. Lenders are competing for your business offering rock bottom rates on lending, making the motivation to move more appealing than the Stamp Duty Holiday! The only issue could be securing your onward purchase before these rates expire. If UK